Sunday, September 26, 2010


Hi everyone! My name is Sophy (Hea Youn) Chung.
I am a masters student at The Juilliard School as a pianist, and currently started Jilliard/Columbia exchange  program at Columbia. For the greater part of my life, I was raised and educated in Korea. After completing my bachelor's degree, I made the decision to come to the United States to explore greater educational opportunities beyond my home country. Of course I've been enjoying my New York life very much!

Why  Japanese,,?

 My sister lives in Tokyo, and sometimes I had oppotunities to perform in Japan. I've been there more than 4 times,and whenever I went, always wanted to communicate in Japanese without my sister's help. Japan and Korea are physically located neighbors, and there are a lot of similar cultural contents. I've also learned some expressions or vocabs through Japanese TV shows. However, I never took classes before, and wanted to learn it more seriously. I registered this course without any hesitation, and I've been excited very much!
I would like to become Nodame chan in the near future! hahaha.

일본이아닌 미국에서 일어를 배운다는게 어쩔까싶어 의심도 했었지만
수업을 듣고나서 너무나 잘했다 생각이듭니다.
일본에 갈 기회가 많고- 일본에서의 생활을 누려보고픈 꿈도있기때문에
일단은 언어를 통해서 그나라문화를 배울수있게 되어 기쁘게 생각합니다.
머지않아 일본에서 혹은 뉴욕에서도(?) 일어로 의사소통을 잘 하는 날이
빨리 오기를 바라면서 간바떼!


  1. ソフィーさん、

    TAのおがたです。 とてもこくさいてきな かぞくですね。ソフィーさんはピアニストなんですね。 わたしはピアノが とても にがてです。 こんど ぜひ ソフィーさんの ピアノを きかせて ください!

  2. はじめましておがたさん!
    ありがとうございますfor the comment !:)

  3. はじめまして。ゴメスです。ノートルダムだいがくのにねんせいです。
    You are so lucky to have been to にほん。I hope to go there some day (hopefully I will study abroad there next year! =D)

  4. そうです。わたしはlucky sophyです。:)

  5. はじめまして!わたしは"Jean"です。わたしもかんこくからきました。どうぞよろしく!
